Church Knights



Church Knights has streamlined the process of obtaining high quality and dependable background reviews for the Global Ministry Center, the Conferences and the Member Churches of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.

Note that all background reviews are entered, compiled and reviewed by human eyes. The results of the information search is compiled into a report and stored. You will receive a report noting derogatory information. When derogatory or negative information is discovered additional documents and reports may be transmitted from Church Knights. Once derogatory information is discovered the process continues until verification. In some cases Church Knights may contact the applicant to assist in the verification process.

Once the signed agreement is in our possession, a password or number will be issued that will only work in conjunction with the email address listed on the agreement. There will be only one approved email address per agreement and one password issued per agreement.

Most background reviews will be a paperless process, which allows Church Knights to reduce the price and offer a flat rate price across the board, which will be $35.00 per review.

The $25.00 basic flat rate review will include the following Background Review in the United States:

• Name Verification
• Address History and Verification
• Criminal Records
• Wants and Warrants
• Sexual Registration and Predator Databases
• Negative Social &News Group Postings
• Liens, Judgments and Bankruptcies

Most Background Reviews can be conducted and the results transmitted back within 2 business days. In some cases we may need to review the application you have on file for clarification of information obtained during the search.

Please download and print the agreement. The executed copy can be faxed, mailed or scanned and emailed. Once we have received the executed agreement, a password will be assigned to be used in conjunction with email address designed on the agreement as being the email address that will request services and receive reports.

Attached to the agreement is a sample report, which can be customized if needed. Dr. Dalton and Church Knights developed this report style to reduce the paper and review time on the receiving end.

Also attached is an Information Authorization/Release Form. The use of this form for each background review requested is MANDATORY-NO EXCEPTIONS. This form must be secured and maintained on file at your location. We suggest that you attach a copy of this form to your standard application.

If you have any questions about the agreement, pricing, procedures or results please contact Church Knights for assistance at 347.219.0373 or [email protected].

Have a nice day and God Bless,

Rev. Pasquale Imbimbo
Church Knights

Full Name
Church Name
  I will Download Agreement , Sign & Fax, Mail or Scan and Email to Church Knights to receive my password. (DOWNLOAD PDF HERE)
Address: 142 Beecher Road, Granville New York 12832
Phone: 347-219-0373 • [email protected]
Please enter these numbers to complete this request.